India. Prostitution. Abuse. Orphans. Poor drinking water. Poor sanitation. Low literacy. Worship of other gods...
My heart breaks for them.
I dreaded going on the temple tour in Madurai. When I was inside, I just wanted to get out. I could hardly breathe, and I felt unwelcome. When a woman walked up and stuck a bindi on my forehead, I felt it burning me and I wanted nothing more than to rip it off!.. which I did, once she walked away. My companions were marvelling, taking photos, and excited to receive the blessing from the temple elephant. I shied away. I stood, watching hundreds of men, women, and children, bowing before idols and placing offerings before them.
I cried.
I thought, "How the heart of God must break to see this!"
And then I had another startling thought-
"Doesn't His heart break to see us worshiping our own forms of idols?"
From Isaiah 44:
"I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is like me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power."
"Who but a fool would make his own god- an idol that cannot help him one bit?"
"Such stupidity and ignorance! Their eyes are closed, and they cannot see. Their minds are shut, and they cannot think."
"I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like a morning mist! Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free!"
He has paid the price to set us free.
And my heart goes out to those who walk in darkness, who waste their lives in seeking gods that cannot save...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Homosexuality and HIV
I just read an article in the New York Times "Obama to Outline Plan to Cut H.I.V. Infections" that sparked my interest. Now, I would like HIV infections and the development of AIDS to decrease too, but I think sometimes the obvious is ignored.
Over 50% of those diagnosed with HIV are gay or bisexual men. I think it should be obvious, then, that decreasing sexual activity between men would cut HIV cases.
The Bible is very clear that those who engage in homosexuality with suffer physical effects.
Romans 1:26&27
For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
Receiving IN themselves.
So, if the government is going to increase federal spending to help the men of the gay and bisexual lifestyles with their HIV problem, what is going to keep them from changing? Nothing. And if government aid is available to prevent HIV or lessen its effects, why wouldn't there be an increase in gay and bisexual lifestyles? It's a cycle.
Over 50% of those diagnosed with HIV are gay or bisexual men. I think it should be obvious, then, that decreasing sexual activity between men would cut HIV cases.
The Bible is very clear that those who engage in homosexuality with suffer physical effects.
Romans 1:26&27
For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
Receiving IN themselves.
So, if the government is going to increase federal spending to help the men of the gay and bisexual lifestyles with their HIV problem, what is going to keep them from changing? Nothing. And if government aid is available to prevent HIV or lessen its effects, why wouldn't there be an increase in gay and bisexual lifestyles? It's a cycle.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Gay "marriage"
I am very frustrated by the term "marriage" being applied to homosexual couples. "Civil union," maybe, since it is a union being recognized by a state, but definitely NOT marriage, since it is not recognized as such by God.
I have had some tell me that we should allow people to "love" as they choose. That I am being rediculous for standing against homosexuality, since God calls us to love. But just as I do not support homosexuality, I don't support heterosexuality that is pre-marital or adulterous. Sex, when it is not between a MARRIED MAN AND WOMAN is wrong. Sorry, but that's what the Word of God says.
Now, if what God says does not matter to you, then what I say won't matter to you. BUT IF YOU CALL YOURSELF A FOLLOWER OF JESUS CHRIST, then make sure to follow what His Word says. The Bible is very clear that mankind, in its depravity and hatred toward God, may be given up to "perversions"... such as homosexuality. Romans 1 says that we are WITHOUT EXCUSE. That Jehovah God has made Himself known from the beginning, and that He alone is to be worshipped. But those who were foolish, darkened, and worshippers of creation, were given over to "lusts." (vv 26 & 27) They threw away God's design and gave themselves to their lusts... homosexuality. And even in regards to people living in "sexual freedom," and marrying/divorcing/marrying/divorcing as however they feel is "right," Jesus says is Matthew 19 that God created them "male and female." They LEFT HOME, JOINED TOGETHER, and BECAME ONE FLESH. They separated themselves from their families. In the sight of the community, they were joined together. And they physically became one. Jesus said that they should not separate. The Pharisees may have wanted to accept divorce. Men throwing away woman after woman... but this was not God's design.
One man, one woman, for life.
I'm not saying divorce shouldn't ever happen, but it is very clear that we need to be careful with sexual relationships. They are not something to toss around and pick and choose. There are guidelines. Standards. And "love" is not what we base our decisions on.
We listen to God. And what He has said is the Truth. The perfect design.
Homosexuality is a sin. And any sex outside of marriage is sin. Don't become a fool and give yourself over to perversions. Seek the most beautiful design and give recognition to those who choose this way. God's way.
I have had some tell me that we should allow people to "love" as they choose. That I am being rediculous for standing against homosexuality, since God calls us to love. But just as I do not support homosexuality, I don't support heterosexuality that is pre-marital or adulterous. Sex, when it is not between a MARRIED MAN AND WOMAN is wrong. Sorry, but that's what the Word of God says.
Now, if what God says does not matter to you, then what I say won't matter to you. BUT IF YOU CALL YOURSELF A FOLLOWER OF JESUS CHRIST, then make sure to follow what His Word says. The Bible is very clear that mankind, in its depravity and hatred toward God, may be given up to "perversions"... such as homosexuality. Romans 1 says that we are WITHOUT EXCUSE. That Jehovah God has made Himself known from the beginning, and that He alone is to be worshipped. But those who were foolish, darkened, and worshippers of creation, were given over to "lusts." (vv 26 & 27) They threw away God's design and gave themselves to their lusts... homosexuality. And even in regards to people living in "sexual freedom," and marrying/divorcing/marrying/divorcing as however they feel is "right," Jesus says is Matthew 19 that God created them "male and female." They LEFT HOME, JOINED TOGETHER, and BECAME ONE FLESH. They separated themselves from their families. In the sight of the community, they were joined together. And they physically became one. Jesus said that they should not separate. The Pharisees may have wanted to accept divorce. Men throwing away woman after woman... but this was not God's design.
One man, one woman, for life.
I'm not saying divorce shouldn't ever happen, but it is very clear that we need to be careful with sexual relationships. They are not something to toss around and pick and choose. There are guidelines. Standards. And "love" is not what we base our decisions on.
We listen to God. And what He has said is the Truth. The perfect design.
Homosexuality is a sin. And any sex outside of marriage is sin. Don't become a fool and give yourself over to perversions. Seek the most beautiful design and give recognition to those who choose this way. God's way.
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