Sunday, December 19, 2010

India: I miss you.

The sounds of "Zara Zara" are in my background... oh India I miss you! I have been longing to return, and it is getting stronger lately. What exactly I would do- teach English, sing, work with Project Rescue, help the physical therapists... I'm not sure. But I am ready to go back and share the love of God for this people group.

I love Indian culture. I would love to flee the confines of American society for the poverty of India. Not that Money is not an idol in India, for it definitely is, but I am less conscious of fulfilling desires and more concerned with filling needs and being a respectable Indian woman. (ex: my only concerns with my clothing are that it is modest and culturally appropriate)

I have always admired Mother Theresa and "Amma" Amy Carmichael. I still long to visit Dohnavur. What beautiful love they lived for their Saviour!
I realize not everyone is called to live a life of poverty in a foreign country, but oh that we would all have the spirit of poverty! May we become givers, servants, and missionaries wherever the Lord may have us.

This blog post is a bit all over the place, but that is how my mind is right now- so filled with ideas and dreams.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Oh life decisions!
My mind changes every day.
I should write something, perhaps, about the beautiful snow and the crisp winter air. Or maybe about the joys of being free from the upcoming finals. But I am restless. Of course I am enjoying the weather and NOT being in school! I am wandering inside, however. I am drawn to new places, to new experiences, and to new me. I want to be new. I want to wake up one day and be a fresh breath of air.
Hmm... I just realized that I don't look forward to the unknown. It's hard to get excited about nothing. Not that I don't have things to get excited about! Okay, it is almost eleven o'clock at night... which means I should be in bed and not musing about life. Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes with the morning... <3

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My heart goes out...

India. Prostitution. Abuse. Orphans. Poor drinking water. Poor sanitation. Low literacy. Worship of other gods...
My heart breaks for them.
I dreaded going on the temple tour in Madurai. When I was inside, I just wanted to get out. I could hardly breathe, and I felt unwelcome. When a woman walked up and stuck a bindi on my forehead, I felt it burning me and I wanted nothing more than to rip it off!.. which I did, once she walked away. My companions were marvelling, taking photos, and excited to receive the blessing from the temple elephant. I shied away. I stood, watching hundreds of men, women, and children, bowing before idols and placing offerings before them.
I cried.
I thought, "How the heart of God must break to see this!"
And then I had another startling thought-
"Doesn't His heart break to see us worshiping our own forms of idols?"

From Isaiah 44:
"I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is like me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power."
"Who but a fool would make his own god- an idol that cannot help him one bit?"
"Such stupidity and ignorance! Their eyes are closed, and they cannot see. Their minds are shut, and they cannot think."
"I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like a morning mist! Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free!"

He has paid the price to set us free.

And my heart goes out to those who walk in darkness, who waste their lives in seeking gods that cannot save...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Homosexuality and HIV

I just read an article in the New York Times "Obama to Outline Plan to Cut H.I.V. Infections" that sparked my interest. Now, I would like HIV infections and the development of AIDS to decrease too, but I think sometimes the obvious is ignored.
Over 50% of those diagnosed with HIV are gay or bisexual men. I think it should be obvious, then, that decreasing sexual activity between men would cut HIV cases.

The Bible is very clear that those who engage in homosexuality with suffer physical effects.
Romans 1:26&27
For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.

Receiving IN themselves.

So, if the government is going to increase federal spending to help the men of the gay and bisexual lifestyles with their HIV problem, what is going to keep them from changing? Nothing. And if government aid is available to prevent HIV or lessen its effects, why wouldn't there be an increase in gay and bisexual lifestyles? It's a cycle.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Gay "marriage"

I am very frustrated by the term "marriage" being applied to homosexual couples. "Civil union," maybe, since it is a union being recognized by a state, but definitely NOT marriage, since it is not recognized as such by God.
I have had some tell me that we should allow people to "love" as they choose. That I am being rediculous for standing against homosexuality, since God calls us to love. But just as I do not support homosexuality, I don't support heterosexuality that is pre-marital or adulterous. Sex, when it is not between a MARRIED MAN AND WOMAN is wrong. Sorry, but that's what the Word of God says.
Now, if what God says does not matter to you, then what I say won't matter to you. BUT IF YOU CALL YOURSELF A FOLLOWER OF JESUS CHRIST, then make sure to follow what His Word says. The Bible is very clear that mankind, in its depravity and hatred toward God, may be given up to "perversions"... such as homosexuality. Romans 1 says that we are WITHOUT EXCUSE. That Jehovah God has made Himself known from the beginning, and that He alone is to be worshipped. But those who were foolish, darkened, and worshippers of creation, were given over to "lusts." (vv 26 & 27) They threw away God's design and gave themselves to their lusts... homosexuality. And even in regards to people living in "sexual freedom," and marrying/divorcing/marrying/divorcing as however they feel is "right," Jesus says is Matthew 19 that God created them "male and female." They LEFT HOME, JOINED TOGETHER, and BECAME ONE FLESH. They separated themselves from their families. In the sight of the community, they were joined together. And they physically became one. Jesus said that they should not separate. The Pharisees may have wanted to accept divorce. Men throwing away woman after woman... but this was not God's design.

One man, one woman, for life.

I'm not saying divorce shouldn't ever happen, but it is very clear that we need to be careful with sexual relationships. They are not something to toss around and pick and choose. There are guidelines. Standards. And "love" is not what we base our decisions on.
We listen to God. And what He has said is the Truth. The perfect design.

Homosexuality is a sin. And any sex outside of marriage is sin. Don't become a fool and give yourself over to perversions. Seek the most beautiful design and give recognition to those who choose this way. God's way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I'm not very good at patience and waiting. Today I went to process some forms for my new job and for class registration and found out that I have more hoops to jump through. What I really would like? : A job. Financial aid.
Yes, these are slightly important, but I probably will survive waiting for them.
On the other hand, what if this wasn't something so simple? What if I was waiting to be seen by a doctor or an ER? What if I had to endure being sick for a long time or suddenly died from lack of medical attention? Yes, it could happen, thanks to the new Health Care bill. Ask people from countries with "FREE" health care, national health care, how long it takes for them to see a doctor. We already have a shortage of doctors and other medical professionals. We already have an ER that struggles to make money, since many of the patients BY LAW MUST BE SEEN, even though they CAN NOT PAY. Now, we are going to add more patients to an already over-flowing medical practice.
What can we do?
I'm not saying that it wouldn't be nice if everyone could get medical care, but I AM saying that everyone SHOULD have to pay for their own medical care. If you want to be seen by a doctor, pay the doctor. If you can't afford to pay for a doctor, don't go to see him for simple things like colds. If you are feeling healthy, don't go have every check-up and screeing you can think of. You are wasting other peoples' money.

Don't tell me that "the government" is paying for your health care. Don't be stupid. PEOPLE are. Your neighbor is. If you can't go straight to your neighbor's house and ask him for money for medical bills, don't go behind his back either. Don't steal.
Those crazy people who go around creating all sorts of medical bills (that they are not paying for) are hurting those of us who pay for our own medical care... people like my parents, who have six children, and have to pay their own medical bills, should NOT have to pay for your medical bills too. Grow up. Get a job. Take care of yourself. And only go to the doctor when you REALLY need to. Otherwise, we will all be sitting in lines waiting...

Monday, June 14, 2010

"YHWH, the Name of our Creator"

In response to:

I was recently questioned by the author of this blog, through my Twitter account, as to whether or not I believe in the Name of the Creator. He did not like my use of "God," as he believes that our Creator revealed Himself to His people as YHWH.

The problem with YHWH, as I have researched, is that no one actually knows what vowels are missing, as the Hebrews would not speak or write out the Name. Some say Yahweh, but most scholars agree that it is meant to have three vowels- Yahowah or Yahuwah. The English translation is Jehovah. Not many Bibles use His Name, Jehovah, but some mark with "LORD." If you see a "Lord," then the Name "Adhonay/Adonai" is used. This only happens in the Old Testament. The readers of the Law would see "YHWH" written and would say instead "Adhonay," to keep from using the Creator's Personal Name.

Many names and descriptive words have been applied to the Creator: Elohim, El, Eloah, Tsur, Kadhosh, Shadday, Abhir, Elyon, Gibbor, El Roi, Tsaddiq, Kanna... etc. None of these names are personal. All of them refer to any god. However, some of them are used together with YHWH, such as "LORD God"- YHWH Elohim.

The Name, YHWH, means "I Will Be That I Will Be" or "I Am That I Am." As when it was spoken to Moses, "Tell them that I Am sent you." And even Jesus (traditionally, Yehushuwah) called Himself "I Am" and shocked the religious leaders. This Name is the Covenant Name, "HE WILL BE," referring to the Creator's immediate presence and future presence... and the promise of the Messiah.
In Exodus 3:15, the LORD says, "Say this to the people of Israel: YeHuWaH, the God of your ancestors- the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob- has sent me to you. This is My eternal Name, My Name to remember for all generations."

The LORD, however, turning against His people in Jeremiah 44:26 said, "I have sworn by my great Name, says Jehovah, that my Name will no longer be spoken by any of the Judeans in the land of Egypt. None of you may invoke my Name or use this oath: As surely as the Sovereign LORD lives." (Adhonay YHWH)

Later, when the Israelites have left the land of Egypt and are given the Commandments, they are told:
"Thou shalt not take the Name of Jehovah (YHWH) thy God (Eloah) in vain: for Jehovah (YHWH) will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain."

- Is a good website that shares scholars' thoughts on pronunciation. Basically, though, they agree that YHWH is the Personal Name of our Creator, and although we may not pronounce it correctly, we should take care to identify His consecrated Name.


- I am not a Jehovah's Witness, but I do agree with the information in this article regarding YHWH.

"I am Jehovah,
and there is none else;
besides me there is no God."
(Isaiah 45:5) (ASV) -BibleGateway

As far as the use of Jehovah in the NT, it is NOT used in Greek translation. The Greeks use "Theon" which is a general term for God, and "Kurios," a general term for Lord. Whether the Greek translations we have available today are actually what Names were used, I am not certain.

Regarding Jesus' use of "God," that is also unclear. In "Love the Lord your God," it is "Kurion Theon," but was it not likely He did not speak Greek but Aramaic or Hebrew? In John 17:11, Jesus says "Holy Father," and speaks of His Name being powerful. "Safe by the power of thy name," really just means that we are also kept "holy" as He is holy. Jesus also used "Abba Father" (Aramaic) and "Our Father who art in heaven" (may your Name be kept holy). When He cried out on the cross, His words were a mixture of Hebrew "Eli, Eli" (My God)... and Aramaic. Examining Jesus' use of Names shows us that we are also to call on our heavenly Father and keep His Name holy... YHWH. Jehovah.

It seems as though using "God" on its own does not actually reference our Creator, although "My God" is more personal. In order to actually separate and make clear His Personal Name, "Jehovah," "Yehuwah," and "Father in heaven" are used. "Adonai" also is possessive, "My Lord," emphasizing His sovereignty.

"The LORD said to my Lord"... "Yehuwah said to Adhonay.."

My Lord. The Messiah. The Christ. Yehushuwah. Jesus.

Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One

To believe "Jesus is the Christ," means you believe He is the Messiah, the Anointed One, the One sent by Jehovah God to be our Salvation.

So... this was a rather long post. Thanks to all who read. I hope this gets you thinking, as it did me. I think I will be more careful to call My God by His Name, Jehovah. Or Father in heaven, as Jesus' example. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

India's needy

My heart goes out to the poor in India, especially the girls. So many of them are trafficked to help support their families financially.

I do hope that the social workers can identify more needy families and help them find other work. Maybe we need to help the farmers with better agricultural methods. The girls need to learn easier occupations that require less money for their education.

New MS Pill

Wow, I just read this "great" article of another "wonderful" thing the FDA is trying to do!

Yes, I would personally love to take a pill for my MS that lowers my immune response, therefore leaving my body vulnerable to everything else. PLEASE, just give me something to STOP my body from healing itself!! Like they say, it could cause cancer or other side effects. And why would that be a better alternative?

What I don't understand is HOW the FDA can get away with passing all of these medications when the risks are known. Or unknown. There shouldn't BE a risk! Oh wait, I forgot, you can make a LOT of money off of selling medications... hm...

-find out your districts
-US candidates
-state and federal offices, judicial offices (candidates)


There can be only one dominate political philosophy in America, one true conversation, one dominant reality, because every government act inconsistent with the fundamental union policy of freedom is subject to righteous overthrow. The choice is ours.

David Justice
State Coordinator,
We the People Congress of Colorado


I've honestly never thought of this, sad to say. But if this government is OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the people, do we not have the right to remove any government that fails to be thus?

So... what will we do to stop our national government from taking over states' rights??

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Amendment 10
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Our federal government is for our national protection. For seeing that its People live in freedom. For unifying the States.
It's job is to see that Justice is established... not to form it's own ideas of Justice.

*Blessed is the People whose God is the Lord. *

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Really, Prince Charles??
Apparently, Islam is the only religion that cares about the environment. Or maybe, it's one of MANY who claim we are "one" with nature. Sorry to make you aware, but God only created MANKIND in His image, and WE are the only creatures given a Will. Animals and creation will pass away, but we will live eternally.

I also read that they are trying to decide if they should waste time cleaning off oiled birds, or it they should focus their efforts on other projects to restore the area. Wow, about 300 gallons of water to clean on pelican. Excuse me, I understand that it seems harsh to let the animals die, but what about all the PEOPLE in the world who don't have any water to DRINK?? And we are going to waste water on cleaning BIRDS?? Who will probably have a shorter lifetime, due to the oil contamination and the fact that they are birds??

Maybe, instead of caring so much about the environment, we should care about the PEOPLE in the environment. Yes, granted, we must do some environmental work to make it liveable for humanity. But what about the basics of making sure everyone has clean water?

We need to care more about what REALLY matters. Life.
walking for water.

Help the world out... donate to a clean water cause. For human life.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today I received a flyer that was anti- John Persell because of his help in defeating an education reform proposal (as the teacher's union wished). Now, I do not know much about Persell or this proposal, but I do not see what purpose this flyer had. Am I suppose to call up Persell and complain? And, sorry to say (perhaps I should know), but who is the CMB PAC that paid for this flyer? Why do they not have their full title printed SOMEWHERE on this?
What a waste of paper!

Naturopathy and Politics

I was very pleased to read this morning that the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians is considering adding political training to ND students' courses! The AANP has encouraged its students to be involved in lobbying for more natural cures and policies for natural medicine.
I am looking forward to being involved in the shaping of the United States' health care! I do hope that we are able to stop the progression of our country to a national health care system, as that will be very damaging- an increase to our debt, how wonderful! :( I am casting my vote for MN Governor to Tom Emmer,
who has better ideas for health care and may prevent MN from adopting the National ideas this March 2011. Which, Dave Racer assures us, is the deadline for MN's stand for/against National Health Care.
I am excited for the future of naturopathy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

politics and religion. :D

I am well aware that conversation on politics and/or religion is discouraged for the promotion of pleasant relationships. I, however, dislike relationships that do NOT engage in such conversation. What else is there to talk about? Ha. This blog, I do believe, is going to become quite controversial. I realize that I am a "young college student" and maybe what I have to say does not come from my own research and experience, but I do enjoy learning from others.
Yesterday evening I had the privilege to enjoy training by American Majority. I can't say that much of the information was new, but it was quite a good reminder of how much more I CAN be doing to make a difference in the world, and particularly in conservative politics. I was impressed to start updating my blog more frequently and also create a Twitter account.
I am a firm believer in combining politics and religion. Whatever anyone may say about "separation of church and state," may I remind them that the phrase is NOT Constitutional. It is merely from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson. The actual INTENT of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution was not to keep religion out of government, nor was it to keep our Nation's leadership from making decisions based on Biblical truth. The young united States of America was a people who had fled religious persecution. They simply did not want a government- established church, which they would have to pay taxes to. Instead, they desired for every man (and woman) to attend the church of their own choosing! Our nation was founded on Biblical principles, and it was expected that our leadership would continue to govern the States through consultation of the Scripture and the blessing of the Divine. Even President George Washington, whom some today claim was not a Christian, stated in his Farewell Address, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


and already graduation is upon me. in three weeks i'll be walking off with a massage diploma. but that's the end of things. i'm planning to live in bemidji for the next year, hopefully working and saving money (and paying off debt). but that's all for me. so much for big dreams, right? but being debt-free and having some money in the bank is good, just for a safety net.
safe. somedays i wonder....

Monday, January 11, 2010


india. i miss you! in the cold bleakness of winter, i think of your bright warm sunshine... i miss your spicy food and your bright sarees... and most of all, I miss my warm Indian sisters. another semester begins. i will graduate (Lord willing) with a massage diploma, and then head off for more health education. i put chili powder in my hot chocolate tonight for you. i am listening to soft piano music with water swirling and drip-dropping. the ocean waves. the roar of waterfalls. the gentle babbling of a brook. i love it all. i get to meet california in a couple months! i am so delighted to see its culture. and go sailing in my bikini. :)